By visiting the web site and sending a request or inquiry, you agree with the General Terms and Conditions stated here.
The site is owned by Eskana Invest 96 JSco., Registered under the Bulgarian law, UIC: 103090514. Eskana Invest 96 is the receiver and processor of all inquiries from this website.
The filling in and sending of data in a contact or order form on the site leads to their storage in the password-protected part of the site. In addition to the data submitted, the system also stores your IP address, which is used only for the purposes of internal marketing analysis and to possibly prevent attacks from specific addresses.
Your data will be used only for the purposes of the activity of Eskana Invest 96 JSCo. - to send you offers and for internal marketing analysis. Your data will not be given either for a fee or free of charge to third parties. The data received/collected cannot be used as a basis for any claims against the company by the users of the website and/or by third parties.
The site uses the statistical tool Google Analytics set in anonymous IP address mode, preventing the collection of personal data from this external tool.
No part of the information on the website can be considered as an offer to buy and / or sell a product / service or an offer to provide a service binding Eskana Invest 96. in any way. The website provides only general information about the goods and / or services we offer. Each specific transaction with us is subject to additional individual negotiation in writing.